Job offers
Below you will find a list of job offers:
Medisch staflid dermatopathologie UZLeuven
Published 18/01/2025
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Pathologist with special interest in quality management
Published 30/10/2024
"Je suis médecin praticien spécialiste anatomopathologiste avec une expérience hospitalière, puis libérale de plusieurs années, une expérience de gérance de laboratoire ACP en France, des connaissances des activités inscrites dans son fonctionnement, une expérience de direction et de participation au management de la qualité et l’accréditation d’un laboratoire ACP en Belgique.
En tant que médecin, je manifeste un intérêt particulier pour la qualité, les formations et les audits en anatomie pathologique, à temps partiel, et je souhaiterais développer une expertise dans ce domaine.
Si vous êtes intéressés vous pouvez contacter le BSP ou le GBS-VBS."
Vacancy in the pathology department of the CHU UCL Namur.
Published 22/08/2024
Full-time positions for pathologists are open. The gastro-enterology and bilio-pancreatic as welle as breast and gynecologic pathology are the main targets of this recruitment, as participation to general pathology and the routine work of the laboratory (extemporaneous examinations, immunohistochemistry validations, digital pathology development...). Proficiency in french language or active learning is desired.
We are looking for pathologists wishing to invest in a quality work project focused on patient service, in collaboration with the referring clinicians. The Pathological Anatomy department brings together various sectors of activity and is part of the dynamism of the university as institution. Haematological, thoracic, digestive, head and neck oncology are expertise areas. The team currently consists of 2 permanent senior pathologists, several consultants and one resident in training. Multi-site work will be developed in the near future.
For any additional information or if you are interested in this position, please contact: Pr. M-C Nollevaux, Department of pathology, CHU UCL Namur, Avenue Dr Therasse, 1, 5530 Yvoir Belgium.
Further information: Pr MC Nollevaux, +32 81 42 30 11,