Welcome to the Belgian Society of Pathology

We are an independent and non-profit medical society led by expert volunteers. 
We unite pathologists, residents, cytotechnologists, molecular biologists and other scientists involved in Pathology.

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BSP Courses for Residents

Masterclass Haematopathology for senior trainees - 5 sessions starts 2 Oct. 

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BSP Courses for Residents

The BSP organizes specific courses on different pathologies. They are especially designed for residents in their training. 

  • Basic dermatopathology course   10 February    Read more
  • Calender continuous formation in AP - view per academic year


Become a member

Become a Member of Belgian Society of Pathology

The BSP counts around 200 members who share your enthusiasm and commitment to Pathology. 

Being a member of BSP means being part of a network focused on delivering quality education, working to promote excellent practice of pathology, and advocating for issues that affect your daily work by advising lawmakers.

BSP membership benefits include

  • Significant registrations discounts on BSP educational courses 
  • Reduced fee for the Belgian week of Pathology, 4-5 October 2024 in Brussels
  • Invitation to attend the Congress Dinner at the Belgian Week of Pathology, at a moderate price.
  • Active involvement in one of the BSP working groups 
  • Premium access to educational material on the member-only pages of the BSP website
  • Access to a network of leading experts sharing best practices and the latest know-how in Pathology

Become a member

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