Past events

BSP General Assembly

We invite our members to join the VIRTUAL BSP General Assemby on Monday 27 May 2024 at 18:30  


  1. Approval of the agenda
  2. President’s report
    1. Confirmation of the composition of the BSP executive board for publication in the Belgian Official Gazette (Belgisch Staatsblad / Moniteur Belge) and the UBO register
  3. Treasurer's report
    1. Report and explanation of the financial status for 2023
    2. Approval of the financial statements for the accounting period of 1 January 2023 till 31 December 2023
    3. Confirmation of the membership fee for 2024 for dual membership with the professional association
    4. Approval of the estimated expenses 2024
  4. Discharge of the directors for the accounting year 2024
  5. Miscellaneous with Q&A

 We look forward to welcoming you.

Koen Van de Vijver, BSP chairman
Claire Bourgain, Joan Somja, BSP secretaries
Karl Dhaene, BSP treasurer


Belgian Society of Pathology – BSP, ASBL/VZW
Avenue de la Couronne 20 Kroonlaan

Bruxelles 1050 Brussel
VAT: BE 0848.537.489

27 May 2024

Practical information

Who can participate:

All effective members who have paid their membership fee are entitled to participate in the General Assembly whether in person or by proxy. (only one proxy per person)

All  affiliated, junior and senior BSP members who have paid their membership fee are entitled to attend the General Assembly without voting rights.


Registration mandatory: via this link

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting
