Past events
Digestive Pathology Session BWGE Belgian Week of GastroenterologyBSP Event14 February 2025Congress Center Liège
Basic dermatopathology course Epithelial lesions of the skinBSP Event10 February 2025Webinar
EScoP course for Infectious Diseases12 to 14 December 2024Antwerp
DNA methylation profiling and central nervous system tumorsBSP Event6 December 2024Tagnon auditorium Brussels
Basic Course in Molecular Pathology 2024BSP Event15 to 16 November 2024University of Antwerp
Pathasdag gastro_intestinale systeem9 November 2024Leiden
Belgian cfDNA Oncology meeting7 November 2024Pullman Hotel Brussels
Diagnostic thyroid pathology and cytology Postgraduate Course9 to 11 October 2024Graz, Austria
Belgian Week of PathologyBSP Event4 to 5 October 2024
European Course in Basic Neuropathology Euro-CNS24 to 27 September 2024Aachen
ICCR webinar on the pathology of cervical cancer online infosessie20 September 2024Webinar
Advanced dermatopathology course Soft tissue pathology of the skinBSP Event20 September 2024Webinar
Gegevensbescherming/ Stadiëring en registratie van urologische tumoren online infosessie19 September 2024Webinar
Annual Meeting of the German Society for Neuropathology and Neuroanatomie DGNN12 to 14 September 2024Regensburg
ECC 2024 45th European Congress of Cytology23 to 26 June 2024Leipzig, Germany
Uncommon disorders of the GI tract Digestive Pathology MeetingBSP Event8 June 2024Tagnon auditorium Brussels
Advanced course in molecular pathologyBSP Event31 May to 1 June 2024UZA
Symposium HPV primary screening: Past, present and future30 May 2024Tangla Hotel - Brussels
Basic dermatopathology course Soft tissue pathology of the skinBSP Event22 April 2024Webinar
Histopathology of non IBD Colitis Forpath20 April 20241070 Anderlecht and Online
EFCS Gynaecological Cytology Webinar14 March 2024Webinar
The HPV Story. The end of the beginning or the beginning of the end? Forpath10 February 20241070 Anderlecht and Olnline
Advanced course in molecular pathology Part 1BSP Event2 to 3 February 2024Institut Jules Bordet Brussels
Belgian Week of Gastroenterology BSP Digestive Pathology WG sessionBSP Event2 February 2024Hilton Antwerp
Dermatopathology course for Trainees Advanced course on cutaneous adnexal tumours.BSP Event19 December 2023Webinar
Macroscopy course for residents and lab techniciansBSP Event2 December 2023Onderwijs en Navorsing 5 Leuven
Masterclass Haematopathology for senior trainees 5 interactive sessionsBSP Event2 October 2023Webinar
Dermatopathology course for Trainees Cutaneous adnexal tumoursBSP Event28 September 2023Webinar
Cytology Tutorial Atrophy in the Uterine CervixBSP Event22 April 2023Webinar
Dermatopathology course for Trainees Advanced course on functional dermatopathologyBSP Event18 April 2023Webinar